The Importance of Staying Hydrated in the Summer to Keep YOU Healthy! ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Jul 02, 2024

Summer brings sunshine, outdoor activities, and longer days, but it also brings higher temperatures and an increased risk of dehydration. Staying hydrated is crucial during these warmer months to...

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Understanding How Your Nutritional Needs Change as we Age ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Jun 04, 2024

Good nutrition is an integral part of one’s health, and its importance only amplifies as we journey through life's different stages. From infancy to old age, our bodies undergo various...

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Understanding The Role of Probiotics in Gut Health ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition May 07, 2024

In the realm of wellness, the buzz around probiotics is hard to ignore. You’ve probably heard that they’re essential for gut health, but what exactly are they, and why are they...

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Embrace Spring's Bounty for a Healthier You! ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Apr 09, 2024

As the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers," but let's not forget that those showers also bring forth a delightful array of seasonal fruits and vegetables, heralding the arrival of...

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National Nutrition Month: A great time to focus on eating well! ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Mar 12, 2024

March is National Nutrition Month and serves as an opportunity to educate ourselves on one of the common threads to our existence: food! Without food, we wouldn’t be able to survive, but we...

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Understanding Macronutrients: FatĀ  ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Feb 13, 2024


Building a healthy relationship with your nutrition goes beyond simply watching what you eat. It involves understanding the role of different macronutrients, including fats, in your diet....

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Macronutrients: Carbohydrate ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Jan 16, 2024

We know that we have to eat food to survive, but food also provides us with the nutrients our bodies need to maintain regular function, grow and repair tissues, and keep us healthy. Nutrients can...

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Youā€™re not YOU when youā€™re tired: Give yourself the gift of sleep this Christmas! ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition other Dec 19, 2023

With the Christmas season in full swing and the big day just around the corner, you may be feeling like you’re in the middle of a marathon and running out of steam. Office and community...

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Holiday Nutrition Tips ashleigh geurin blog post nutrition Nov 21, 2023

The holidays are a wonderful time of celebrating with family, friends, co-workers and community members, often around a table full of food. If you are new to your nutrition journey and being a...

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Drink Water: A Simple Tip for Being the Best YOU! ashleigh geurin blog post authentically you nutrition Oct 24, 2023

You’ve heard it all your life-drink water, it’s good for you!  

Water is not only calorie, sugar, and sodium-free, its also easy to access and can be free of charge if you carry...

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Embrace the Power of Antioxidants: A Guide to Authentic Nutrition authentically you nutrition Sep 26, 2023


In a world filled with countless diet trends and nutrition advice, it's easy to get overwhelmed. But at its core, authentic nutrition is about nourishing your body in a way that feels right...

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Intentionally Stacking Life with an Invisible Disease authentically you invisible disease jiu jitsu life challanges nutrition Nov 29, 2022

Welcome to the Stacked Intent Blog with Becca Stackhouse-Morson. This blog will feature resources, experiences and much more to help you become authentically you.  I am starting this off with...

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